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I discoverHow to make the most of your homemade flavored yogurts?

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Have you dug your yogurt maker out of the attic and want to start making homemade flavored yogurt? Follow our guide and discover our tips for making delicious dairy desserts!
Economical, ecological, infinitely adaptable and quick to prepare... homemade yoghurt (also yogurt or yoghurt) has it all! In addition to knowing exactly what you're eating, homemade yogurt has the advantage of costing less than store-bought, requiring very few ingredients - and cooking - and avoiding over-packaging. In your jars, no more chemical elements such as additives, coloring agents, gelling agents and other preservatives. You can even control the amount of sugar in your yogurt! With a few tips to get you started, you should quickly get the hang of it and treat family and friends to your flavored yogurts.
Yogurt: what is it?
According to the decree n°88-1203 of December 30, 1988 "relating to the fermented milks and yoghourt", "the denomination "yoghourt" or "yoghourt" is reserved for the fermented milk obtained, according to the loyal and constant uses, by the development of specific thermophilic lactic bacteria called Lacto-bacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, which must be sown simultaneously and be present in the finished product, at a rate of at least 10 million bacteria per gram in relation to the milky part. Thus, all fermented milks are not yoghurts: to deserve this title, the milk must be heated and then mixed with specific lactic ferments, and remain hot for several hours at the same temperature. It is during this time that the ferments will act, thicken the milk and transform it into yogurt.
Choosing the right milk
The first step is to choose the right milk: the most common yogurts are made with cow's milk, but other milks are just as suitable. Goat's milk, sheep's milk, but also vegan milk made from soy or coconut make delicious yogurt! If you opt for cow's milk, you have several options, between whole milk, skimmed milk and semi-skimmed milk. All three options are possible, but the final texture will vary depending on which one you choose. Whole milk yogurts are firmer. To make yogurt from raw milk, be sure to boil it and then cool it down to eliminate potential bacteria (a small sieve will be necessary to remove the skins).
Opt for the right ferment
The second ingredient to select to make your yogurts is the lactic ferments. There are two schools of thought: those who use a pot of yogurt from a previous batch or a commercial pot (as fresh as possible), and those who opt for powdered ferments. You can easily get the latter in stores, on the Internet or in pharmacies. Concerning the quantities, we generally talk about one pot of yogurt for one liter of milk. Once you have chosen your milk and your ferment, go on with the preparation: to activate the ferments, you have to dilute them in the warm milk. Be careful: the temperature should not exceed 45°C. It is best to use a thermometer, but if you don't have one, you should be able to dip your finger in the milk without burning yourself.
Working with the texture
Once the milk-ferment mixture is made, you can work on the texture of your future yogurts. If you like thick yogurt, you can incorporate milk powder or natural thickeners such as chia seeds or psyllium powder, which have an immediate effect. It's up to you to test different methods and different quantities to get the ideal texture!
Flavor your homemade yogurt
Just before going to the yogurt maker comes the most creative part of yogurt preparation: flavoring. Let your desires of the moment speak for themselves thanks to an infinite range of flavors! Infuse the warm milk with vanilla, fresh herbs (mint, etc.), citrus peel (organic and untreated) or even spices. You can also add food flavors, which you will choose natural and organic if possible. The Nerolian website offers a wide range of flavors, from classic flavors like lemon or mango to more daring and original flavors - tonka bean or gingerbread, for example. If you like sweet yogurt, you can add powdered sugar, liquid cane sugar syrup, agave syrup, vergeoise... The possibilities are endless! However, avoid mixing fresh fruit with your yogurt: prefer to work with jam, placed at the bottom of the jars, or compote... why not also chestnut cream for the greediest! In order not to make the milk go sour, we will also avoid using fruit juices, especially citrus fruits. Then you just have to pour your preparation in glass jars (sterilized preferably), and to pass to fermentation.
Successful fermentation, with or without a yogurt maker
First of all, if a yogurt maker (which often costs less than 50 euros in the shops) will certainly make things easier for you, it is not necessary. If you don't want one, you can prepare your yogurt in the oven - in a bain-marie - in a pressure cooker or with the help of a steam cooker. Incubation times differ depending on the model of your yogurt maker, but here are some guidelines that work: at least 8 hours for whole milk yogurt, 10 hours for semi-skimmed milk yogurt and 12 hours for skimmed milk yogurt.
The "fermentation" part without a yogurt maker will only require a little more attention. In the oven, all you need to do is create a bain-marie by filling a drip pan with water and placing the jars on it. Once in the oven, let your jars set for 8 to 12 hours at 40°C to 50°C maximum (you can turn off the oven after a few minutes and leave the yogurts warm the rest of the time). In a pressure cooker, fermentation is also possible, by heating water at the bottom and then releasing the pressure and placing the yogurt in the still hot cooker.
Whatever happens, the yogurts must be cooled and then placed in the fridge for a few hours before eating! If you don't eat them in time, don't hesitate to use your homemade yogurts in delicious recipes, like the inevitable yogurt cake.