Natural Colour - Caramel

As low as: €6.95

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This colorant is well suited to :

See dosageguide

Discover our Natural Colour - Caramel

Our liquid dyes are particularly suitable for all your culinary desires. Water-soluble, they mix perfectly with liquid preparations such as milk or yoghurt, pancake batter, custards, ice cream... . They colour all foods without risk to your health and bring pep to all your presentations!  You can use them to reinforce the colour of a food or have fun creating unusual dishes: pink cream, orange rice, green shortbread...

Caramel colouring is ideal for colouring all homemade yoghurts or smoothies flavoured with our natural chestnut flavours. It can also be used to enhance homemade chestnut purées or creams, caramel mousses or creams....

Precautions for use :

Keep out of reach of children

Ce colorant se conserve au frigo dès réception de la commande, même si il n’est pas ouvert.
  • Composition

    colorant caramel ammoniacal E150c

  • How to use it
    • A diluer entre 0,1 et 0,2%
    • A stocker entre 0 et 4°
    • Un produit très économique et qui se conserve longtemps.
    • Uniquement destiné à l'utilisation en cuisine.
    • Avant chaque utilisation, pensez à bien agiter le flacon.


Our Natural Colour - Caramel strictly complies with the Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament on food colorant. This regulation ensures that this product meets the highest safety and quality standards. The Minimum Durability Date (MDD) indicates the period during which our colorant retain all their specific qualities, provided the packaging remains intact. After this date, our products can still be consumed, although they may have lost some of their organoleptic characteristics.

Technical data sheet
Natural Colour - Caramel

This PDF document provides comprehensive data on the composition, organoleptic characteristics, physicochemical specifications, and recommended uses of our Natural Colour - Caramel .

You will also find details on allergens, restricted substances, as well as storage and usage advice to ensure the best quality of your finished products.
